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Your IECMH Newsletter turns 2 today!

As we enter toddlerhood, we wanted to leave you with a quote from Alicia Lieberman’s book “The Emotional Life of a Toddler”: 

“Parents and children help each other to grow. In raising their children, parents are also raising themselves. Child rearing gives parents the chance to redo their own childhood and to improve on it.”

What is Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health?

It’s the developing capacity from birth to 6 to experience, regulate, and express emotions; to form close relationships; and to explore the environment and learn, all in the context of family, community, and cultural expectations for young children


Professional Development Opportunities
MassAIMH Endorsement®

 Join us in congratulating the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health professionals below who have earned MassAIMH Endorsement® for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-focused Practice across the state in 2022.

Janelle Ciapocha Zuziak, Ruth Paris, Andrea Walsh, Kate Barlow, Rebecca Flores Burgos, Tracey Quade, Stacey Gay, Lakia Small, E. Paige Menchini,Carolina Abad Salazar, Caroline Jones, Cassandra Allard, Lisa Aguiar, Katie Volk, Anastasia Galanopoulos, Tarsha Bradshaw

Do you work with families and young children 0-6 years of age in relationship based care?


Diversity Informed Tenets
Our collaborative work is grounded in the DIT which serves as a compass for operationalizing our policies and practices.


What is Children's Mental Health Awareness Week?

It’s a week that shines a national spotlight on the importance of caring for every child’s mental health and reinforces that positive mental health is essential to a child’s healthy development.

Collective voices of IECMH video of partners across the Commonwealth. STAY TUNED!

How can I show my support for IECMH?

Join us in bringing awareness to young children’s social-emotional well-being. Please feel free to use the Zoom Background we created to be a voice for IECMH!


Another way to show your support might be by engaging with the content below and sharing with your colleagues and friends!


Early relational experiences lay the foundations for children’s social and emotional well being. Watch this seven year old, Molly Wright, the youngest advocate for early childhood mental health!


Rosemarie Allen is a national expert in racial equity in early childhood settings. You can watch one of her lectures here. Also, register for the last two MA sponsored sessions, “Creating an Ant-Racist Early Childhood System” on May 11 and May 18 11am - 1pm


Are you already familiar with HandHoldMA.org? This website was created by professionals in partnership with parents to be a guide for children’s emotional well-being. Did you know that this website has been expanded to reflect the needs of younger children? Explore more here.


Reflective Supervision/Consultation (RS/C) is a foundational therapeutic ingredient for all of us as we support families and young children. Learn more about RS/C in this short video. MassAIMH offers resources and engagements in RS/C. Connect with us here


Are you curious about the Infant /Early childhood Mental Health Endorsement® (I/ECMH-E®)?! We invite you to take 11-minutes and watch a brief webinar that addresses WHAT is Endorsement®; WHY it’s beneficial to babies and families; WHO should apply; and HOW to apply.  You can find the webinar here: https://vimeo.com/279997892 

Please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out to us at massaimh.endorsement@gmail.com



Hot off the press! Our very own MassAIMH colleagues contributed to a National Alliance paper on “Addressing Suspension & Expulsion in Early Childhood Education Settings: An Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Informed Approach” in support of our collective advocacy work around suspension/expulsion in Early Childhood Education settings. Access the paper here!


The World AIMH published a position paper on Infants’ rights in wartime. It points out how despite numerous areas of violent conflicts globally, little attention is paid to the enormous price that infants, toddlers, and young children pay. It states that “The needs and rights of all children are the same everywhere: nutritious food, adequate healthcare, a decent education, shelter and a secure and loving family. These are disregarded at times of war.” Here is a resource on Talking to children about War.

There are a lot of IECMH events happening this week, too!

May 3 at 3:00pm: 
Zero to Three presentation on the national State of the Babies data for 2022

May 6 at 12:00pm: 
MA PostPartum Depression (PPD) Foundation Annual Celebration

May 7 from 10:00am-1:30pm: 
Healthy Melrose

May 13 at 12:00pm: 
Lunch and Learn on Shining a Spotlight on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health

May 14 from 10:00am-1:00pm:
Family Fest at Buttonwood Park 


Link not working? Sign up here!

Thank you!

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Contact Aditi Subramaniam



Massachusetts Department of Mental Health 

25 Staniford Street, Boston MA, 02118

Contact Andrea Gonçalves-Oliveira


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