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In Our Inaugural Newsletter

There's a lot to celebrate this month! It's Mental Health Awareness Month kicking off with Children's Mental Health Week May 3rd through 9th and Maternal Mental Health Week May 4th through 8th. MassAIMH has also completed its first round of IECMH endorsements, and we're blowing bubbles for babies. Scroll through to learn more!

What is Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health?

It’s the developing capacity from birth to 6 to experience, regulate, and express emotions; to form close relationships; and to explore the environment and learn, all in the context of family, community, and cultural expectations for young children.


Children's Mental Health Week shines a national spotlight on the importance of caring for every child’s mental health and reinforces that positive mental health is essential to a child’s healthy development. We're celebrating our youngest children and their mental health!

Check out our 8 Days of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Facts and Resources:

Early relational experiences lay the foundations for children’s social and emotional well being. Click here to learn more in this video.

Maternal Mental Health is an important part of young children’s mental health. Learn more at MCPAP for Moms and MA Postpartum Support International as Maternal Mental Health Awareness begins today!

MA is home to The Center on the Developing Child, a leading organization in research and policy around IECMH. Learn more about key concepts to better understand why IECMH matters.

The Diversity-Informed Tenets for Work with Infants, Children and Families (Tenets) are a set of strategies and tools for strengthening the commitment and capacity of professionals, organizations and systems to embed diversity, equity, and inclusion principles into work with infants, children, and families. 

Supporting and working on behalf of our youngest children and their families highlights the importance of reflective supervision and consultation (RS/C). To access the best practice guidelines for RS/C, click here.

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) programs provide services to address and support the social-emotional development and behavioral health of children in early education and care programs. Click here for more resources.


A baby’s success in life is rooted in their healthy emotional development. This is key when pushing for policies and programs that will help families thrive. Click here to learn more. 


Step 1: Send us a 30 second video, sharing: Why does IECMH matter to you?

Step 2: If you have bubbles at home, blow bubbles* at the end of your video. If you don’t have bubbles, here is a DIY recipe

Step 3: Email video to Lily Samuel at lsamuel@mspcc.org with the subject line "Bubbles for Babies."

These videos will go live on the MassAIMH website on May 21st, 2020! 

*Make sure to blow the bubbles indoors or away from others to ensure safety in times of physical distancing.


MassAIMH is honored to recognize through the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement® credential, the expertise and excellence in IECMH of the following providers, towards their care for young children and their families across the Commonwealth: 

Kaori Hattori de Panepinto, Kate Roper, Isabel Lopez, Maria Yolanda Parra, Margaret Manning, Wendy Kennedy, Jayne Singer, Dorothy Richardson, Aditi Subramaniam, Karen Garber, Carmen Rosa Norona, Claudia Gold, Daphne Walker, Emily Clem, Andrea Goncalves Oliveira


What is MassAIMH Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement®?
MassAIMH Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement® is a credential that provides recognition of specialized knowledge and expertise for professionals working with or on behalf of families with young children. 


Parenting young children is always a hard job. Parenting during our current circumstances can bring on additional stressors. Check out our resources guides for caregivers navigating COVID-19:


We are interested to learn from you, who are at the core of supporting young children (birth to 6) and their families, to help inform needs, barriers, and opportunities when it comes to capacity building in the infant and early childhood mental health workforce across the state. 

Towards this effort, we have put together a survey to learn more from you. The survey is expected to take 15-20 minutes.

Your opinion and voice are very meaningful to help us learn!


Link not working? Sign up here!

Thank you!

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
3815 Washington Street, Suite 2 Boston MA, 02130
Contact Aditi Subramaniam
Massachusetts Department of Mental Health 
25 Staniford Street, Boston MA, 02118
Contact Andrea Gonçalves Oliveira

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